There are 3 types of divorce actions recognized in Florida: contested, uncontested and collaborative. Each uses a very different approach with the end result being the same: obtaining a divorce decree.
What is a contested divorce?
A contested divorce is a divorce whereby either spouse seeks to file for divorce and there is not an agreement as to all of the issues (i.e., alimony, child support, marital home, parenting plan, and more). Contested divorce cases normally involve mediation and the exchanging of financial documents, and, if the matter remains contested, possibly a trial before a Judge. If you have been served with divorce papers or are seeking to file for divorce, call Agosto Law right away as you need proper representation in a contested divorce action!
What is an Uncontested divorce?
An uncontested divorce is a divorce whereby both spouses agree to the divorce and have an agreement on ALL the marital and parenting-related issues. This means that the spouses have agreed on how they will distribute all of their assets and debts and have agreed on a timesharing schedule for any children they may have. The parties normally aren’t required to attend mediation or go to a hearing in front of a Judge and the process is relatively simple and quick. If you and your spouse have a divorce agreement, call us and we can prepare and file your documents within just a few weeks!
What is collaborative divorce?
A collaborative divorce is a divorce whereby both spouses are represented by their respective attorneys, and work together as a team to reach an amicable and complete marital settlement agreement. Collaborative divorces often involve other professionals such as a financial expert to asses the value of the parties’ assets and a mental health professional to help the parties reach a thorough and viable parenting plan when children are involved. If you and your spouse are interested in collaborative divorce, contact us to get the process started right away.